October 28, 2021

Day 6: Create Inner Synergy

Stephen Covey says "Fulfilling the four needs [spiritual, mental, physical, social] in an integrated way is like combining elements in chemistry. When we reach a "critical mass" of integration, we experience spontaneous combustion-- an explosion of inner synergy that ignites the fire within and gives vision, passion, and a spirit of adventure to life." 

"Inner synergy" is when your body, mind, spirit, and heart are all cooperating to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. I love the image of "an explosion of inner synergy", and I've experienced that passion, but I wondered if it was possible to harness that energy when I want it and need it. 

Can we create inner synergy purposefully and on demand? Can you build it intentionally, for a particular project, in order to infuse that project with vision and passion, and engage with full effort?

I thought it was possible and designed an experimental plan, which I've been testing for a few years now to good effect. Give it a try, over the next few days:
  • Choose a high priority project, that connects to your values and principles, something you want to do soon; something challenging but within your abilities.

  • Each step below has multiple ways to engage. You can take as much or as little time with the steps as you like - you might want to stretch it out over a few days, repeating each step a few times in different ways, building a little more energy each time. Or you can speed shift through the steps, and explode into action today!

1. Engage your mind:
  • Write about the project in your journal, and why it's important. 
  • Create a clear vision with a vision walk. 
  • Gather all the information you need.
  • Make a beautiful chart and color code it!
2. Engage your heart:
  • Identify the love component. Write about and visualize who this project might benefit, and the people skills you might need to develop for this project.
  • Focus a Love Meditation on the project: Send the "pink light of love" to yourself and the people who will be impacted by the project.
3. Engage your spirit:
  • Choose a mantra, the word or phrase that will remind you of the deepest reasons for the project. 
  • Light a candle, repeat your mantra, and carry the words with you all day.
  • Use the mantra as a focus for all of your awareness practices.
4. Engage your body:
  • Get prepared - schedule time to physically do the project.
  • Gather all the supplies you need. 
  • Prepare a space for the project.
5. Start a fire: When the time arrives, stop everything. Mentally review your vision, repeat your mantra, remember the love, and give your body full attention as you move forward with action.

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