Transforming Power

Alternatives to Violence Project


  1. Seek to resolve conflicts by reaching common ground.
  2. Reach for that something in others that seeks to do good for self and others.
  3. Listen. Everyone has made a journey. Try to understand where the other person is coming from before you make up your mind.
  4. Base your position on truth. Since people tend to seek truth, no position based on falsehood can long prevail.
  5. Be ready to revise your position if you discover it is not fair.
  6. When you are clear about your position, expect to experience great inward power to act on it. A response that relies on this power will be courageous and without hostility.
  7. Do not expect that this response will automatically ward off danger. If you cannot avoid risk, risk being creative rather than violent.
  8. Surprise and humor may help transform.
  9. Learn to trust your inner sense of when to act and whento withdraw.
  10. Work towards new ways of overcoming injustice. Be willing to suffer suspicion, hostility, rejection, even persecution if necessary.
  11. Be patient and persistent in the continuing search for justice.
  12. Help build “community” based on honesty, respect and caring.

1 comment:

  1. The format is messed up on this post. It looks like a long skinny column instead of a normal paragraph width.


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